For Immediate Release

September 14, 2024

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Prominent Lawyer Peter Goldberger to Represent Wrongfully Convicted Joseph Cammarata in High-Stakes Appeal


Prominent Philadelphia attorney Peter Goldberger will represent Joseph Cammarata, who is appealing his wrongful conviction, before the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals on September 19, 2024.

The case has drawn attention as a glaring example of corruption and injustice in the legal system, serving as a rallying point for advocates of justice reform.  Second Chances Media, a media organization focused on shedding light on wrongful convictions, urges the public and stakeholders to closely follow the case due to its potential far-reaching implications on justice reform.



PHILADELPHIA, PA - In an important twist in the case of Joseph Cammarata, the prominent Philadelphia attorney Peter Goldberger is set to represent him in his appeal. This comes as a beacon of hope for Cammarata who has been wrongfully convicted, a victim of corruption in the justice system. Goldberger a seasoned lawyer known for his strategic acumen, will argue on Cammarata's behalf before the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals on September 19, 2024.


Cammarata's case has been a focal point for proponents of justice reform, with many arguing that his conviction is a glaring example of corruption and injustice. His story represents the plight of numerous individuals who have been wrongfully convicted, highlighting the need for a more fair, transparent, and accountable justice system.


Peter Goldberger, a renowned figure in the legal fraternity, is celebrated for his commitment to justice and his proven track record in handling complex cases. His decision to represent Cammarata in his appeal before the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals is a significant development in this case.


The oral arguments, scheduled for September 19, 2024, will offer a critical opportunity for Goldberger to present his case and challenge the previous ruling. The 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals is known for its rigorous examination of cases, and its decision could set a precedent for future cases involving wrongful convictions.


Second Chances Media has been closely following Cammarata's case, shedding light on the issues faced by those wrongfully convicted. As advocates for justice reform, we believe in the power of storytelling to raise awareness and bring about change.


We are hopeful that this appeal, under the expert representation of Goldberger will rectify the injustice suffered by Cammarata. We urge the public and all stakeholders to closely follow this case as it unfolds, as it has far-reaching implications for justice reform and the fight against corruption in our legal system.

Second Chances Media continues its mission to spotlight stories of individuals like Cammarata, who have been victims of a flawed justice system. Our work aims to inspire reforms and ensure that everyone has access to fair and just treatment under the law.

Stay tuned for updates on Joseph Cammarata's appeal before the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals on September 19, 2024.

About Second Chances Media:

 Second Chances Media is a media organization that focuses on sharing stories of individuals who have been wrongfully convicted. Our mission is to bring attention to these cases, inspire justice reform, and advocate for a more equitable legal system.

Justice in Sight: Wrongfully Convicted Joseph Cammarata's Appeal Set for September 19th, Setting Stage for Legal Rectification

Joseph Cammarata, who was wrongfully convicted in 2022, is set to have his appeal heard on September 19th, offering a chance for rectification of the perceived miscarriage of justice.

Cammarata's case has brought attention to potential constitutional violations during his trial, with the Federal Judge and United States Attorney for the Third Circuit under scrutiny for neglecting legal and constitutional safeguards.

The appeal hearing not only represents an opportunity for Cammarata to challenge the wrongful conviction, but also underscores the importance of upholding constitutional safeguards and the right to a fair and just trial for every citizen. In a pivotal moment for justice, the case of Joseph Cammarata, wrongfully convicted in 2023, is set to take a significant turn. A date has finally been established for Cammarata's appeal – September 19th. This represents a beacon of hope for Cammarata, who was sentenced to 12 years in a federal prison for a crime that many believe was misunderstood by the court and prosecutor.

Cammarata's case has been a focal point for advocates of justice for its glaring illustration of constitutional violations that occurred during his trial. A close examination of the proceedings revealed a troubling disregard for his legal rights, a situation that has been met with increasing concern and outcry from both the public and legal circles. The Federal Judge and United States Attorney for the Third Circuit, the very individuals entrusted with upholding the law, have come under scrutiny for their actions in this case. Not only did they fail to comprehend the nature of the alleged crime, but they also exhibited a worrying pattern of neglect of the legal and constitutional safeguards that were in place to protect Cammarata's rights as a citizen. The upcoming appeal hearing on September 19th is a significant step towards rectifying this injustice. It's a chance for Cammarata's voice to be heard and an opportunity for the court to address the shortcomings that led to this wrongful conviction. The case of Joseph Cammarata is not merely an individual battle for justice; it also serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining and upholding our constitutional safeguards. It underlines that every citizen, regardless of their circumstances, is entitled to a fair and just trial.

The fight for justice is far from over for Joseph Cammarata. However, with the appeal hearing date set, there is hope that justice will finally be served. This will not only be a victory for Cammarata but also a triumph for the principles of fairness and justice that form the bedrock of our legal system. In the face of injustice, it is crucial that we stand united in our pursuit of a fair and impartial judiciary. The case of Joseph Cammarata shines a spotlight on the importance of this principle. As we await the appeal hearing on September 19th, it is our hope that justice will finally be served, and the wrongfully convicted will have their names cleared.


On September 19th, Joseph Cammarata will get the chance to challenge his wrongful conviction - a moment that many have been waiting for since 2023. It is a pivotal day for justice, a day that could potentially rectify a grave injustice, and a day that will go down in history as a testament to the power of perseverance in the face of adversity. As we move forward, let us remember the importance of safeguarding the rights of every citizen and ensuring that justice prevails. The case of Joseph Cammarata serves as a sobering reminder of what can happen when these principles are neglected. However, it also serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that, in the face of injustice, the pursuit of justice never ceases.


We believe that justice will prevail, and Joseph Cammarata will finally receive the fair hearing he deserves. As we look toward September 19th, we hold onto hope for a just outcome, and for a legal system that honors the rights and freedoms of every citizen.


The SEC has been criticized for its handling of the case, including the freezing of over $78 million of Mr. Cammarata's assets without due process, and alleged delays in response to an appeal.

For Immediate Release

Exposing Injustice: Unveiling the Unfair Legal Pursuit Against Joseph Cammarata

Setting the Record Straight - Injustice Against Joseph Cammarata

In an unprecedented turn of events, Joseph Cammarata has found himself the target of what appears to be an unfair and unjust legal pursuit. The spotlight is on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Third Circuit Court, and the US Attorney's Office. The actions of these bodies have led to a cloud of darkness hanging over Mr. Cammarata and his family.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) stands accused of providing false information to a grand jury to secure an indictment against Mr. Cammarata. It is alleged that "two essential facts" presented at the trial have been proven untrue. This has led to serious concerns about the use of the justice system as a tool against the wealthy, with a focus on financial gain rather than justice.

The charges against Mr. Cammarata became public on November 3, 2021. On this day, the SEC filed charges of securities fraud against him. It is claimed that the SEC used falsified documents to justify a freeze on more than $78 million of Mr. Cammarata's assets. This move was made without due process, thus limiting Mr. Cammarata's ability to secure legal representation.

Further concerns have been raised about the denial of bail for Mr. Cammarata. He was not informed about an asset freeze hearing scheduled at the same time as his criminal bail hearing. This resulted in an asset freeze that is seen as illegal. Despite the lack of representation, the judge decided to maintain the asset freeze. When the freeze expired, it was ignored, adding more fuel to the claims of misconduct and corruption against the SEC and judiciary.

The actions of the SEC have been under scrutiny. They have been accused of delaying responses to an appeal citing personal reasons while facing allegations of misconduct. The DOJ is also facing serious accusations. They are said to have withheld evidence that could have helped Mr. Cammarata and used false testimony during the trials. As a result, Mr. Cammarata has spent over two years in jail without a crime, victim, or valid case against him. The inconsistent theories of the prosecution raise doubts about the jurisdiction and the validity of the indictment.

What has happened to Joseph Cammarata and his family is a stark reminder of the need for transparency, fairness, and justice in our legal system. This case is a wakeup call for everyone. It is a call to challenge the dark shadows cast by those who wield power without accountability.

Second Chances Media is dedicated to shedding light on such cases. We stand firm in our belief that no one should suffer a miscarriage of justice. We will continue to follow Mr. Cammarata's case closely and update the public on the developments.

We urge the public to join us in seeking justice for Mr. Cammarata. We all deserve a fair and just legal system.


Let's stand together to ensure that everyone gets the second chance they deserve.